Mated to the Grizzly Page 6
“We could try for both,” I say to him, giggling as he kisses me behind my ear.
“Oh, we can, can we,” he answers.
We continue daydreaming about our futures until we both fall into an exhausted sleep.
2 years later...
I can't believe it's been two years since we moved to Fall City. We have so many of the things that we dreamed of that night after Ian and the clan had rescued me from Hatchet.
We have twin boys. Noah and Liam, who are fifteen months old, look just like their daddy, including the mischievous gleam that he gets in his eye when he is up to something bad. We also will have a little girl in the spring. I haven't told Ian yet. I think he will be over the moon though once I tell him later tonight after Frick and Frack go to bed. I swear those boys are gonna be the death of me. Always into some kind of mess.
I can't wait to see the look on his face when he finds out that we are going to have a little baby girl. I watch Ian talking with Trevor and his new girlfriend, Rebecca Ann. She seems nice, but we haven't really gotten a chance to talk together. Trevor keeps her close. I need to ask Ian about that. I am glad that Trevor is finally starting to get past what happened with Janet the bitch. He and Trevor have been having a lot of closed door meetings recently. I hope nothing is wrong.
I see Ian look over at me. I grin and wave while rubbing my stomach. I am only a few months along, but already I can feel little butterfly wings dancing around. It is an amazing feeling. Ian breaks from his conversation with Trevor and walks up to me. Grabbing my hand, he says,
“Babe, are you okay?”
“I'm wonderful, Ian. I have something to tell you later when we are alone,” I teasingly say.
“You do, huh?” he smiles at me indulgently.
“Well, let's go be alone, baby,” he whisks me away to my protests about the boys.
“The boys are good, Lauren,” he laughs as we get closer to the house. “You know Trevor and the rest of the clan will keep a close eye on the twin terrors.”
“Ha ha, you are so not funny, Ian Jones,” I reply hotly.
“Mrs. Lauren Jones, I am hilarious and you know,” he winks at me and draws me down onto the couch. “So, babe, what's got you smiling like a loon?”
“Ian, I'm pregnant,” I rush out. “It's a girl.”
Ian looks down at my stomach in awe. “Really, babe?” he questions. “Are you sure?”
“Yes, I'm sure. I went to the doctor's office on Monday and he confirmed what I suspected,” I tell him quietly, wondering if this wasn't good news.
I am dragged up off the couch and into the arms of a crazy man. “What in the world has gotten into you, Ian?” I yelp.
“Babe, this is the best news ever. Well it ties the twins with the best news ever,” he laughs. “Wait? How many are in there?” he eyes my stomach nervously.
“Only one that the doctor could see,” I reply.
Ian breathes a sigh of relief. I don't blame him I have no clue what we would do if we had another set of twins. It would be even more chaotic in our household.
“I love you, Lauren,” Ian says as he kisses me gently.
“I love you too, Ian,” I tell him back. “But none of this soft and gentle crap. You know I want you just like you are; hot, hard, and just a little rough.”
“Oh baby, it's gonna be rough alright,” he states as he drags me off to the bedroom like a caveman.
I wouldn't have it any other way.
Through the forest a man stands, watching. Waiting. Plotting. Revenge is sweet, but the clan's princess is sweeter still...
A note from the author:
Thank you for reading my debut novel. I hope you love it as much as I do. It was a labor of love. There was also some blood, sweat, and tears along the way. If you loved this story, please leave a review.
I can be found on Facebook here:
Keep reading for an excerpt from “When I See Her Smile,” book two in the Bears in Love series, featuring Trevor and Rebecca Ann. You won't want to miss this one!
When I See Her Smile
Book 2
Bears in Love Series
Chapter 1
I didn't think I would ever meet my one, my soul mate. Fate has always laughed at me and jerked my life strings to and fro. From being raised in an orphanage because my mom couldn't handle a young shifter male without my father until I was found by Marcus on my twelfth birthday to thinking I had found my mate as a young adult. I blame my raging hormones for that shit show. I had just turned nineteen and she was beautiful, but that beauty held grasping, greedy evil thoughts and deeds behind her facade. She was almost the death of me, and when I found out she had been sent to infiltrate our clan and spy for Hatchet when Ian and Lauren were just mated, I lost what little hope I had for forever.
Almost two years later and the clan is still trying to mend from her deviousness. And I am still alone, I have my clan who are like a family. But I don’t have my one. I am starting to think I lost my chance. I was not prepared for what happened next. Not one little bit.
I was sent into Fall City, Washington to get supplies for the week. While there, I visited The Roadhouse Restaurant and Inn, a small clapboard building that dated back to 1916, and that's when it happened. Instant hard-on and not just because she was beautiful, but because she was mine. She smiled at me as she walked up to my table to take my order and my polar bear rushed to the surface. Yep, a polar in a grizzly clan. Not something you see every day, but Marcus the clan’s leader and all around giant grizzly is my pseudo-dad figure, and once you are in, that's it. Your clan, your family. I had to concentrate on holding my polar back. I got a whiff of her scent, like fresh snow and pine trees, I had to grip the table sides to keep myself in my seat. My polar, and if I am honest, my human self, wanted to grab up this vision and take her away to keep her to myself.
“Hey, I'm Rebecca and I'll be your server today,” she said. “What can I get you today?” the vision in front of me asked.
“Ummm, uhh, a beer would be great,” I stuttered out.
“What's your poison, handsome?” she laughingly inquired. “We have Bud, Miller, or we have some great micro brews.”
“Bottle of Bud, please,” I told her.
“You got it,” she said. “Did you want anything to eat with that?”
“No thanks,” I said.
She turned to get my beer, and I watched her ass as she walked away. And what an ass it was, just enough to hold onto and worship, but not so much that it was too large. I could imagine myself caressing and slapping that ass as we fucked.
I could feel my customer’s eyes on my backside as I walked away, so I put a little extra wiggle into my walk. Let's face it, extra tips were nothing to sneer at. I had the bartender get me the bottle of Bud and returned to the table to deliver it.
“Here ya go, handsome.” I said. “Can I get you anything else?”
“Your phone number would be nice,” he playfully said, seeming to recover from his earlier starstruck immaturity.
“Sorry, no can do, sir,” I said.
I turned to go to the next customer when a giant hand was wrapped around my wrist in a light grip. I looked down at his hand and said,
“I'm gonna need you to let go, please.”
“I just want to get to know you better, darling,” Trevor was anxious to make sure she didn't get away without some way to contact her.
“Look… What's your name?” I asked.
“Trevor, I'm Trevor Mannus,” was the reply.
“Look, Trevor, it's really busy right now, and I need to get back to work. Let me go, please,” Rebecca huffed.
Trevor looked to where his hand encircled my wrist. “Oops, sorry. Can we meet up when you are off shift?” he asked.
“Maybe. I get off at ten tonight,” I told him.
“I'll be here, beautiful,” Trevor said, releasing my wrist to let me
get back to work.
“Okay, then,” I turned to go again, headed for my next table. When I saw who was sitting there, I wished I had just stayed with Trevor.
It was my ex, Alan. He had been in the last several times I had worked, harassing me to no end. It was getting really old. He thought he wanted me back, but that wasn't gonna happen. It's not every day you walk into your shared apartment to see your supposed best friend bent over your couch with your boyfriend’s dick buried in his ass. Yep, apparently Alan liked both teams. He just forgot to mention it to me.
“Alan, what can I get for you?” I shuddered slightly.
“I want you back, babe,” he slurred. Great, he was already lit.
“Not happening, Alan,” I gritted out.
I walked away to give myself some time before I did something to lose my job. I walked towards the hallway where the restrooms were to cool off. I leaned my forehead against the side wall and took two deep breaths. I felt more than saw a very large warm presence. I knew it wasn't Alan; he was only a couple inches taller than my 5'5”. This person was at least a foot taller than me. I turned my head without leaving the wall. It was Trevor. I closed my eyes again and groaned.
“Darling, you look frustrated,” Trevor stated as he put his large warm hand on my shoulder. “Is there anything I can do to help?”
“Unless you can make someone disappear without a trace, then no,” I muttered.
“Babe, for you, I could do anything,” he replied.
I looked up into eyes the color of the sky on a storming day, such a dark gray that they were almost black. His hair was a dark chocolate brown like my favorite candy bar. And he was tall, so tall.
“Jesus, how tall are you,” rushed out of my mouth before I could pull it back.
He husked out a laugh, sounding like he didn't laugh often.
“6'4”, babe,” he said.
He gently pulled me into him and hugged me to his front. I was in heaven. It was amazing. I felt safe, so I let my eyes close as I savored the moment, knowing that I would have to let go sooner rather than later. But a girl needs comfort when confronted by her cheating ex.
“Hey, let her go, Neanderthal,” I heard shouted from the entrance to the hallway. Shit, it was Alan. I tried to pull Trevor closer to no avail. He leaned away from me and looked at Alan.
“Dude, we are having a private conversation,” Trevor said. “You need to get off.”
“That's my girlfriend, dick. Let her go,” Alan ordered.
“Alan, I am not your girlfriend. You lost the right to call me that when your dick was stuck up Jerry's ass,” I spewed venomously at him as I glared. If looks could kill, he would have died right then.
Trevor looked back down at me and searched my eyes. He then turned and angled his body in front of mine, out of protection or so it seemed.
“I'm only going to ask you once,” Trevor growled. “Then we are gonna have a problem.”
Alan made to move closer and I heard what sounded like an animal's growl come from Trevor. Alan stopped and then went to take another step.
“Not a good idea, dude,” I told him from behind Trevor. I could feel the pent-up rage radiating off of Trevor like waves of energy. It was otherworldly.
Alan took another step towards us. He was now only about two feet from Trevor. Trevor's hands fisted, and I heard another growl come from deep within him. Oddly, I wasn't freaking out. I felt safe, protected.
Alan advanced again, and that's when Trevor threw the first and last punch. Alan hit the ground like a bag of bricks. I stared down at my ex, not really happy that he was out, but relieved that I wouldn't have to deal with him anymore.
“Come on, babe,” Trevor soothed. “Let's get out of here, yeah?”
I nodded my head in agreement. We walked back to the bar, where I told the bartender and our manager that I wasn't feeling well and I needed to go for the rest of the night. I was waved off and told to feel better.
We walked out the front of the building and headed towards the parking lot. My beater was parked at the back of the lot. I started to head towards my car when Trevor stopped me by gently taking my hand.
“Rebecca, wait,” he began. “I want you to come home with me, please.”
I looked at him like he had grown an extra head. “I can't go home with you, crazy man.”
Trevor chuckled. “I meant come home with me to my family compound. I want to keep you safe. That guy doesn't seem the type to give up.”
“You're right, he's not, but I can't go home with you,” I told him earnestly.
“Babe, you can stay with my best friend, Ian, and his wife, Lauren. They won't mind,” he said.
“I can't stay with your friends either. What is your damage?”
“Just, please, come home with me,” he leaned in and captured my lips in a searing kiss. My knees weakened, as did my resolve.
“Okay, but only for tonight,” I acquiesced.
Trevor grinned a shit eating grin if I had ever seen one. As we walked hand in hand, he led me to a motorcycle sitting close to the front of the parking lot. I stopped, “Ummm, Trevor, I can't ride a motorcycle,” I started to say.
“It's all good, babe. I have an extra helmet.” Trevor stopped at the side of his bike that was black as sin and probably just as dangerous. He removed the helmets strapped to the back.
“Here, babe. This one is for you.” Trevor handed me the smaller of the two helmets. I looked at him askance.
“I'm not sure about this, Trevor,” I began again. “I've never ridden a motorcycle before and my momma always said ‘Rebecca Ann, you stay off those devil machines.’”
“Rebecca Ann, huh?” Trevor said. “I like it, babe.”
“Of what I just said, that is what you zero in on, my full name,” she said. “Really?”
“Baby, no worries. It will be the second best thing between your legs tonight, beautiful,” he teasingly said as he straddled the seat of his bike buckling his helmet into place. “Come on, babe. We haven't got all night,” he grinned over at me as he patted the seat behind him.
I huffed out a breath and put the helmet on. I wasn't afraid, just cautious. Oh who was I kidding, I was totally scared out of my mind.
I strapped the helmet on and awkwardly mounted the bike, gripping Trevor's shoulders once I was settled on the seat.
“Baby, you are gonna need to hold on to my waist or you're gonna go flying off the back of my bike,” he laughingly told me as he pulled me closer to his back with his hand on my hip, which burned like fire. His large hands felt so good, I wanted to purr and arch into his back like a cat in heat. Instead, I scooched closer to him. I breathed in his manly scent. It was like forest and moonlight. Pine and a touch of magic.
“Stop sniffing me, darling, or we won't make it to my house,” he gruffly said.
“Sorry, but you smell so good,” Oh lord, my mouth was gonna get me in so much trouble.
Trevor grinned over his shoulder at me. “You smell amazing too, baby. Wait til I get you to my house.”
“Trevor, we are not staying together. You said I could stay with your friends and THAT is what I agreed to,” I angrily hissed.
“I know, babe. I am just yanking your chain.” Trevor gunned the engine of the bike and we were off with a squeal of tires on asphalt.
I let out a very unladylike “Yikes!” as I gripped Trevor's waist ever tighter. I would never tell him, but this was the best thing I had ever done. We sped through the night the wind whipping and the trees flying by at top speed. We came to a closed gate that was attached to a large stone wall. Trevor stopped and pushed a button on the handlebars of his bike and the gate slowly swung open to reveal a very large compound with several flood lights around the perimeter.
I stared in awe, wondering why they needed so much security. But I didn't voice my concerns. Instead we pulled up to a small one story cabin with a large front porch.
“Is this your friend's place?” I asked Trevor, looking at the darkened windo
ws pensively.
“No, baby. This is my cabin,” Trevor said. “I just need to check on some things before we go over to Ian's.” Trevor pointed across the large parking area to another darkened cabin.
“Trevor, I don't want to bother your friends this late. It looks like they are sleeping,” I nervously replied.
“They won't mind, babe. Come on, I'll give you the nickel tour then we can head across the compound,” Trevor told me.
Trevor opened the front door to reveal my dream. The cabin was decorated with rustic log furniture. I loved the outdoorsy feel of the living room. To one side, the couch sat with cushy pillows and throw blankets, the extra fuzzy ones. I loved those on cold nights. Across from the couch was a large open hearth fireplace with a stack of logs ready to burn. It was a chilly night. I thought that maybe I should just stay with Trevor so that we didn't bother his friends, so I stated as much. Trevor's response was to eye me up and down, twice, as if he was gauging my honesty.