Mated to the Grizzly Read online

Page 4

  I arched my back as my body locked up, my orgasm ripping through me my inner muscles tightening around Ian’s rock hard dick. Ian shouted out as I felt his cock shoot deep into my pussy, flooding my womb with his cum. In a white hot haze, I collapsed onto Ian's chest, cuddling into his neck and gasping for air.

  “Baby, you are so good to me,” I moaned into his ear as we both struggled to breathe.

  “Lauren, we're good to each other,” Ian whispered as he slowly rolled us to our sides and pulled me closer to his chest.

  “Rest, babe. You've had a rough patch the last little bit,” Ian breathed out as his arms tightened around me. “We need to leave in the morning to track down Hatchet and the rest of his thugs.”

  I snuggled into his chest and on a contented sigh, said, “I love you, Ian.”

  “I love you too, babe,” Ian replied, lightly kissing my forehead.

  I didn’t feel Ian leave our bed as I slept on.

  “Trevor, dude, what is wrong with you?” Ian asked while looking at his friend and fellow secret keeper.

  “Nothing is wrong,” Trevor lied to Ian, wondering when he would be able to go back to his own cabin. Guard duty was the pits when you have a willing woman waiting for you in your bed.

  Ian eyed Trevor, not really believing him. Something was up.

  “Trevor, go on home. I won’t be sleeping anytime soon,” Ian ordered.

  “Alright, man. I am outta here,” Trevor said on a relieved sigh as he started to cross the compound to his own cabin.

  Trevor entered the front room calling out to his new girlfriend, possibly his mate. Although he was still young, only nineteen, and she was older than him at twenty-eight, he felt that she could be his one.

  “Janet,” he called up the stairs to the open loft.

  “Hey baby,” Janet called back seductively, looking over the edge of the bed down to where Trevor was standing. “Why don’t you come up here and join me?”

  Trevor started dragging his clothes off on the way up to the bed, eye fucking Janet the whole way. Janet was lying on the bed completely nude with her legs spread in a wanton pose. As Trevor got closer, she spread her legs even wider, enticing him in like a siren with her deadly song.

  “Babe, what is going on out there?” Janet asked with curiosity. “Is it something I need to know about?”

  “My friend, Ian, is back is all,” Trevor answered her as he removed his jeans. “He found his mate when he was out this last time.”

  “He did? That’s great!” Janet faked enthusiasm, quickly cataloging that information for later. “Is she nice?”

  “Yeah, Lauren seems great. I haven’t spent a lot of time with her though,” Trevor replied as he lowered himself to the bed. Hovering over Janet, he looked into her eyes. He saw nothing unusual there, only the look of lust that had been ever present since the first day they had met outside of the same store where Trevor had hit Lauren with a door.

  “Baby, let’s talk about this later,” Trevor said as he tried to lean in and kiss Janet. She pulled back slightly looking up at him,

  “Is that all I am good for, Trevor?” she spewed vehemently at him.

  “Of course not, baby,” Trevor told her looking hurt. “I just missed you is all. I want to spend as much of my time with you as possible, in and out of bed.”

  Janet leaned up and kissed Trevor, thinking to herself, What a putz. I have him just where Hatchet and I want him. “I know you want me, Trevor, but it always seems like you only want sex from me.”

  “If you aren’t into it, Janet, that’s fine. We can just cuddle,” Trevor said as he shifted to his side of the bed to pull her to him.

  “That isn’t what I am saying either, Trevor,” Janet pouted. “I was just feeling a little like a hidden toy that only gets played with when no one else is around. I am feeling isolated is all. I haven’t really talked with anyone else but you since we first got here last week and you introduced me to Marcus and Regan.”

  “We can go out tomorrow and you can meet Ian and Lauren, babe,” Trevor said trying to placate her. “Then maybe we can go into town and have a nice breakfast at The Roadhouse, yeah?”

  “Okay, that sounds good to me,” Janet giggled as she pulled Trevor over her. “I love you, Trevor. Make me yours please?”

  “I am gonna own you, baby,” Trevor agreed as he lifted her right leg over his hip and buried himself deep. “I am gonna own you completely.”

  Trevor was in heaven. Janet’s sheath was like a haven for his cock. Or so it seemed to him. She was the first person he had ever had sex with, and to him, it was the end all be all.

  Janet mentally winced. She had never really liked sex. Hatchet was the only one who could really get her off and it took a lot of pain to get her there. She was a pain slut, and Trevor was just a boy playing at being dominant. If Hatchet hadn’t ordered her here to spy on this clan of do gooder secret keepers, she wouldn’t have to keep faking her orgasims and letting this fool hump into her everyday. She was miserable, but she knew what she needed to do. Moaning out, she faked her upteenth orgasim as Trevor finally busted his nut. He might be a putz and for having been a virgin when they started fucking, he sure could last for longer than Hatchet. Too bad he didn’t like to cause any pain. Then maybe Janet would be able to stop faking it and really enjoy the fucking.

  Trevor rolled off of her and pulled her close. Closing his eyes, he said to her,

  “Babe, I really would like you to be my mate. I feel as if this is meant to be.”

  “Trevor, you know I want to wait just a little longer,” Janet answered trying to avert his attention. “I am not quite ready.”

  “I know, hon. I just wanted to let you know where I am at with it,” Trevor kissed her forehead and settled in for a nap. But sleep would be denied as Janet questioned,

  “Are you sure there isn’t anything else I need to know about for tomorrow, babe?”

  “The only thing going on is Ian and Lauren are leaving the compound tomorrow afternoon. Ian is being asked to find Hatchet and his goons so we can put an end to this. They are going to get us revealed to full humans. We can’t risk exposure,” Trevor said as he yawned loudly.

  “Oh, I know we don’t want exposure, but maybe the clan should just let Hatchet and his band of idiots go their own way,” Janet said. “I mean, even if they were exposed, it wouldn’t mean all shifters would be.”

  “We just can’t take that chance. Our safety has to be our number one priority,” Trevor looked over at her. “Let’s get some sleep babe. It’s gonna be a long day tomorrow.”

  Trevor closed his eyes and slept. Janet waited several minutes to make sure he was out for the night before slipping from the bed. Grabbing a long T-shirt from the floor, she made her way down the stairs and out the back door as she collected her phone from the kitchen counter.

  Janet checked around the yard to make sure no one was in the immediate vicinity where they would be able to hear her on the phone before dialing a number from memory. It was answered on the third ring.

  “Hello?” the voice on the other end of the line said.

  “Hatchet, it’s me, Janet,” she said as she continued to scan the area. “I have an update.”

  “What is it, slut? I don’t have all night. We need to make plans,” Hatchet growled into the phone, causing Janet to shiver in anticipation. She loved his growly voice, full of command.

  “The secret keeper who was trying to decimate the clan has arrived back in the compound here in Fall City,” Janet reported. “He brought a woman with him. She is his mate.”

  “Good spying, cunt,” Hatchet said. “What are their plans?”

  “From what Trevor says, they are headed out tomorrow afternoon to find you and the rest of our clan,” Janet stated. “What do you want me to do on this end?”

  “Nothing. Be ready to leave tomorrow as well,” Hatchet ordered. “We don’t want them finding out who their traitor is, now do we?”

  “No, of course not, Hatchet,” sh
e purred. “Trevor is taking me to breakfast in town. It will be fine.”

  “Get off the phone and back to that whelp’s bed, slut,” Hatchet commanded. “I don’t want him to know anything is going on.”

  “I’m going,” Janet replied. “But I miss you Hatchet. When can I come home?”

  “When I say you can, bitch,” Hatchet growled. “Now get in there before that boy wakes up.”

  Hatchet hung up the phone. Janet stood for several more moments before turning and going inside. Janet set her phone back on the counter and headed towards the sink. As she pulled a glass from the cabinet above her head, she felt arms go around her middle.

  “Where did you go, babe,” Trevor breathed softly into her ear. “I woke up and you were gone.”

  “I was a little warm and needed some air,” she replied.

  “You have to be careful going out at night on your own. We think we might have a spy in the clan from Hatchet’s group.”

  Janet turned to look at Trevor, worrying that she had been discovered.

  “What? What do you mean a spy? Do you know who it is?”

  “No, babe, not yet. But don’t worry, we will figure it out soon,” Trevor said, trying to reassure Janet. He didn’t want her scared, just vigilant. Janet felt relieved. She was very worried she would be discovered before she could disappear.

  “Let’s go to bed,” Trevor said as he grabbed her hand and led her from the kitchen back towards the stairs. Janet let him lead her back to bed, thinking the whole time of when she would be able to sneak away.

  Chapter 10

  Early morning light filtered through the curtains of the French doors next to the bed Lauren slept on next to me. I had finally come back to bed around three a.m. to find Lauren cuddled up to my pillow with a satisfied smile on her beautiful face. It was the nicest sight that I had seen in awhile. I was worried about her safety as well as her health, but I couldn't leave her in the compound. Especially if Marcus thought we had a mole in our ranks.

  I slowly untangled myself from the cocoon of warmth that was my bed. I got up and pulled on a pair of sweats and headed out to the kitchen to make coffee and breakfast before I had to wake Lauren so that we could hit the road.

  As I was scooping coffee grounds into the filter in the coffee pot, I felt Lauren come into the room. Turning, I watched as she made her way to me. Wrapping my arms around her waist, I kissed her forehead.

  “How did you sleep, baby?” I asked.

  “Good,” she replied. “I haven't been this rested in forever. You?”

  “I am golden, babe,” I said back. “Coffee?”

  “Yes, please! About a gallon of it,” she said, reaching for the cup that I was pouring. I watched as she added sugar and creamer to her cup. I was amazed at the amount of both that she added to every cup she drank. I noticed the first morning after she woke up in the hospital that she added enough sugar to kill a diabetic. When I called her on it, she told me it was what made her so sweet.

  I laughingly told her that she didn't need the sugar to be sweet; she was naturally sweet enough.

  “What time are we leaving?” Lauren asked me.

  “We have to hit the road soon. Do you want to take coffee with us on the road or stop after we get going?” I asked her

  “Definitely take some with us, babe, or I might explode from caffeine withdrawals,” Lauren said laughing as she headed to the table. I handed her a plate full of eggs and bacon saying, “Eat up, babe. We’ve got to go.”

  We ate quickly, cleaning the kitchen as we finished. Once done, we headed to get dressed. It was late morning by the time we headed outside to Ian's car, stopping as Marcus, Trevor, and Regan started over from the communal building. Trevor looked angry or maybe upset about something.

  “Hey, you two. Safe travels, okay,” Regan, the princess of the clan and Marcus's daughter, uttered as we got closer.

  “Yeah, you two, be careful,” Trevor parroted.

  “We will be fine, guys. We have to get on the road though,” Ian told them.

  “Ian, join me for a moment,” Marcus asked. “I think there are some things you need to know before you leave.”

  “Babe, I will be right over there. Stay here with Trevor and Regan, yeah?” Ian said, as he kissed the back of my hand.

  I nodded my head in agreement. Ian headed towards Marcus with a look of determination. I couldn't hear the words that they were saying, only the murmuring could be heard.

  Chapter 11

  “So, how are you two doing today?” I asked Trevor who looked mad or worried maybe and Regan as I watched Ian and Marcus across the small yard.

  “Good,” Regan replied looking a little sick.

  “Are you sure you are okay, Regan? You're looking a little pale.” Trevor looked her over, focusing on her face for several moments.

  “Yeah, I am good, just a little sick to my stomach this morning. I think I ate a little too much is all,” Regan looked away with a flash of guilt in her eyes hoping no one noticed. Things were going to get real pretty quickly.

  “Trevor, are you ok?” Regan asked.

  “I’m good, Regan,” replied Trevor.

  “So, Lauren, how are you doing today? Ready for your trip?” Regan asked, changing the subject.

  “Yep, ready to go for sure,” I replied, giving Regan a sideways glance. I wondered what was up with her.

  “Hopefully when Ian and I get back from finding Hatchet’s band of mercenary black bears, we can get together for a long chat,” I said to Regan with a wink.

  “Sounds good, Lauren. I will see you when y'all get back,” she hoped that Lauren couldn't hear the deception in her voice. Thankfully, Trevor had wandered over to join the conversation with Marcus and Ian.

  Trevor stood with Marcus and Ian, waiting for a good moment to speak with them both. Earlier as he slept, Janet had disappeared and wasn’t answering her phone. Trevor was getting worried.

  Ian walked up to Lauren and took her elbow, guiding her towards the car.

  “Let's go, babe. I have everything I need,” he said as he opened her door for her.

  I turned towards the open window while Ian rounded the front of the car, waving as he got in and shut his door. The drizzle that had been threatening all day started to fall as we watched the compound in the side view mirror, getting further and further away.

  Ian pulled into the same Chevron station that we had stop at on the way to his clan's compound to gas up and get some road trip snacks, although this was not a fun road trip. I thought it was more like a suicide mission. I was scared; scared enough that I was trying really hard to hide it from Ian. I didn't want him worrying about me while he was concentrating on finding Hatchet.

  “Babe, what’s wrong?” Ian asked her as he got back into the car.

  “Nothing, I’m good,” I said.

  “Come on, babe. I can tell you are scared. Let's talk about it while I drive, yeah?” he stated and started the car.

  I was about to answer him when we were rear-ended as we left the gas station. Ian glanced over to make sure I was ok and then checked his rearview mirror.

  “Shit, I guess we didn't have to look far. Buckle up, Lauren. Hatchet is behind us with several of his guys.”

  I could hear the engine of the car behind us rev up as he got ready to hit us again. I tried not to let my body tense up. The more tense you are, the worse your injuries can be, or so I have heard. Hatchet rammed our car again. As Ian was trying to put distance between the two cars, he was cussing under his breath like a sailor on leave. It was epic. Some of the words coming out of his mouth I had never heard before. I would have laughed if we weren't in such a serious situation.

  Ian tried again to get some distance. Unfortunately, because of the never ending rain, the road was slick with oil. Hatchet crashed into us a third time, clipping our rear left quarter panel sending us spinning rapidly out of control. I could see the trees going by like a quick moving carousel. I started to feel nauseous from the 360s we were t
urning. Just when I thought I was going to lose my breakfast, the car came to a stop. Ian grabbed my hand and looked into my eyes. I could see the love he felt for me shining outwards. He looked into my soul, and I knew without a doubt that he would fight to the death to protect me. It felt like hours, when in reality it was only seconds before Ian was shoving me down to the floorboard. Ian was out of the car locking the doors in a flash, heading for Hatchet and his car. All I could hear were the noises of flesh hitting flesh. I knew they wouldn't shift in the open, or at least, Ian wouldn't shift out in the open where humans could see him. He was all about protecting shifter culture, only second to protecting me.

  While Ian and Hatchet were fighting, I could hear other male voices come up to the passenger side of the car. I knew I was only marginally safe behind the locked car doors. Shifters are much stronger than people, and I wasn't looking forward to our introduction.